2. I think when it comes to hard hitting news, I would trust mainstream news distributors before I trusted the blogs I read. If I wanted to find out product reviews on a new phone or something I'm interested in though, I would read a blog before reading anything the company had to say. You have to take blogs with a grain of salt, because after all they are written by anyone.
3. If my blog became an opinion leader blog, I would have to be honest with my readers and tell them I'm getting paid for my posts. I wouldn't write a good review for an awful product, because that would reflect bad on me and you can't buy reputation. I would be sure the product lived up to everything I had to say about it before accepting a payment for promoting it. You owe it to your readers to be honest, after all they are why you're successful.
4. When I go out for my interviews I want to tackle the picture right away to get it over with. I know that the entire interview taking the pictures would loom over my head and I really want to be able to focus on the interviewee. When it comes to taking the still photos, I want to be able to show the interviewee's personality. I want them to be comfortable with the pictures so for the first couple I would follow their direction and what they envision. I think it's really important if there's something the reader would be interested in seeing, or something unique about the speaker, I'd like to be able to capture that in the photo.